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ChatGPT vs. Gemini: A Comparative Analysis

Chat GPT vs. Gemini: A Comparative Analysis In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, two chat bots have emerged as prominent players: Open AI’s Chat GPT and Google’s Gemini. This blog aims to provide a comparative analysis of these two AI models, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and unique features. Overview Chat GPT, developed by Open AI, gained significant popularity after its launch in November 2022². On the other hand, Gemini, formerly known as Google Bard, is backed by one of the most prominent tech giants and has access to rich data sources². Coding Proficiency One of the earliest use cases for large language models was in code generation¹. Both ChatGPT and Gemini were tested on their ability to write a simple Python program¹. Both models successfully created a functional expense tracker built in Python¹. However, Gemini added extra functionality, including labels within a category and more granular reporting options¹. Features and Capabilities Both Chat